Google Analytics 4 FAQ

Updated on 2024-11-22

Littledata provides server-side tracking for Shopify and GA4. Here are some frequently asked questions about our GA4 connection.


Is Littledata compatible with Shopify Online Store 2.0


What types of hits will I get in GA4?


Where are the Views in GA4?


Where can I find the Conversions reports in GA4?


How do custom dimensions work in GA4?


Do event category, action, label, value still exist in GA4?


How will GA4 work with Recharge?


Does Littledata track subscriptions in the Shopify checkout in GA4?


Can I modify Littledata's events in GA4?


Why am I missing Device and Geolocation on my server-side events?


What is gtag.js?


Why the 'affiliation' custom parameter doesn't mirror Shopify order tags 100%?


Does Littledata replace the need for gtag.js?


How does thresholding work for GA4 reports?


I've just installed Littledata but I don't see any data in GA4?