Littledata v11 tracking script

Updated on 2024-01-18

What is changing? 

Littledata will stop using Liquid files to add the tracking script on your store. The script will be inserted through an API provided by Shopify. 

This means the Littledata tracking script will not be affected by any theme changes done on your store; the tracker is reliably added via API without any dependencies on the theme files.

Benefits of the new tracking script

  • Compatible with the latest Shopify themes
  • No need for us to edit the theme files
  • If you decide to uninstall, every Littledata related script is automatically cleared/wiped from your store.
  • Settings are bundled in with the script, to reduce external dependencies
  • An overall slight increase in marketing attribution. 

Where can I see my tracking script?

In order to see the tracking script you need to follow these steps:

  • After you have finished connecting Littledata, access the homepage of your Shopify store.
  • Open up the browser console and go to the Sources tab:

Click on the dropdown to open the cloudfront folder:

  • Then open the folder starting with shops/:

The middleware tracking script is hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket and it is globally distributed on Amazon Cloudfront

There are 2 components in this Cloudfront folder.

  • shops/5tRowcCkB6T3QGtms - this is the folder where the middleware script is hosted (colibrius-m).
  • colibrius-g, colibrius-p, colibrius-t, which are the tracking scripts; in this case, the store has only the Google Analytics, TikTok and Pinterest connections. Each connection has its own separate tracking script, invoked by the above mentioned colibrius-m.

When is the change happening? 

The change is ongoing at the moment of writing this article; we will be migrating customers gradually to the new tracking script.

How would I know if I am on an old vs. new setup?

If your store has the old script, you would see the Littledatalayer.liquid file in your theme files (under Snippets). 

With the new setup, this file is deprecated. 

Check the “Where can I see my tracking script?” section for more information on where you can find the new tracking script. 

What if my store is on a manual setup? How would the migration be handled?

Please reach out to our support team at for assistance.

What if the old script still runs on my store after the migration?

All of our customers have been migrated to the new script and the old Littledatalayer was deprecated.

If your store was migrated to the new script but you still have the old script running, you will have to delete the old script manually. In order to do this, access your Shopify Themes and search for Littledatalayer.liquid and delete the file. This will leave you with the new script only.

What else can I check to make sure my tracking is not duplicated?

When installing Littledata, make sure to follow the steps to disable Shopify's default Google Analytics tracking as highlighted in this article.

Additionally, make sure to check for GTM tags (if applicable) that might send events already handled by Littledata to the same GA4 property as the Littledata tracker, and pause the tags as needed.

Furthermore, there are two Universal Analytics checks you should consider as these might sometimes interfere with your GA4 tracking:

  1. Check if the UA ID is present in the legacy Google Analytics field in Shopify. To do this, you must go to the Online Store channel > Preferences and remove the UA Property ID if present.

  1. Check if your GA4 property is still connected to a UA property; this might have been done during the setup of your GA4 property. If the two are connected, you need to disconnect your UA and GA4 properties.