Changing the data pipeline settings

Updated on 2024-08-06

Connection-level versus general settings

You can change the settings within the Littledata app for a completed connection aby clicking on that connection in the dashboard. There you will find connection-specific settings.

The global account settings will be located in the top right of the page, under the Settings cog and Data Pipeline.

General settings

Found in the General tab under each finished connection. Here you will find the keys that Littledata needs to send event data to the specific destination.

Google Analytics

Measurement ID

Your data stream's Measurement ID used to send event data.

API Secret

Measurement Protocol API secret is used for your data stream to establish a secure connection between the Shopify and Littledata servers.

Google Ads Conversion

Adjust your Google Ads Conversion ID from your Google Ads configuration.


Segment write key

Segment write key of the source receiving data.

Meta Conversions API

Pixel ID

Meta Pixel ID of the source receiving data.

Access Token

The access token required to send data to the Meta Pixel.


Ad Account ID

Pinterest Ad Account ID of the source receiving data.

Tag ID

Pinterest Tag ID of the source receiving data.

Conversion Access Token

Pinterest Conversion Access Token of the source receiving data.


Pixel Code

TikTok Pixel Code of the source receiving data.

Access Token

TikTok Access Token of the source receiving data.

Data Customisation settings

Found in the Data Customisation tab under each finished connection.

Order identifier

There are 3 ways to track your orders:

  • Order ID (e.g.  5028988223651) is Shopify’s internal order identifier.
  • Order Number (e.g 1024) is the order position in the shop's count of orders (your internal counter)
  • Order Name (e.g #US1023) is obtained by combining the order number and any suffix or preffix you've set in your store's general settings.

Default: Order Name

Product identifier

There are 3 ways to track your products:

  • Product ID (e.g. 8663410540836) is Shopify's internal product identifier.
  • Variant ID (e.g. 46799140684068) is Shopify's internal variant identifier.
  • SKU (e.g. tshirt-xl-red) is the internal identifier that each merchant can set for a product or variant.

Default: Product ID

Disable recurring orders

By default we track recurring orders as a separate event. If you want to disable this, set this field to ON.

Default: OFF

Track pageviews only when page reloads

For some themes, where the URL changes (e.g. a new variant) without a new page load our script will track a new page view. Change to ON to disable a new page view on history.replaceState() via browser History API

Default: OFF

Use page type for list name

Littledata's tracking script uses the document.location.pathname as the list name for list events. Setting to ON overrides this to use Shopify's page_type as the list name, which has fewer values and may be more helpful in reporting.

Default: OFF

Exclude orders by order channel

You can choose to exclude orders based on the order channel. Choose one from the already known channels, or add a custom one. See how to exclude orders by order channel.

Google Analytics settings

Found in the Tracking Customisation tab under the Google Analytics 4 connection.

Send user data to GA4 (beta)

GA4 accepts hashed first-party data to better attribute ads and users. You first need to opt in to detected user-provided data in your Google Analytics property.


Opting into user-provided data without enabling this option to send the user_data object could result in Google not tracking purchases.

Read more about how user data works in GA4

Default: OFF

Google Signals

This setting can now be configured inside your Google Analytics 4 property. Click here to see how.

Cookie update

This setting can now be configured inside your Google Analytics 4 property. Click here to learn how to activate Google Signals.

Extra linker domains

This setting can now be configured inside your Google Analytics 4 property. Click here to learn how to set up cross-domain management.

Segment settings

Found in the Tracking Customisation tab under the Segment connection.

Anonymize IP

This field instructs the Segment library to mask the last 3 numbers of the user's IP address, to support greater user privacy at the expense of some geo-location accuracy.

Default: OFF

Cookies to track

Grab the values from an array of named cookies and pass them as traits on Segment identify calls.

Example: cookiesToTrack: ["iterableEmailCampaignId", "iterableTemplateId"] (array)

CDN for Analytics JS

If you have a proxy CDN setup, redirecting to, to load Segment's AnalyticsJS library from your own domain you can specify it here. It must include the full domain, with no trailing slash.

Default: CDNForAnalyticsJS: "" (string)

Segment user ID

You can choose an identifier to use for logged-in users. WARNING: this must match what is configured for server-side events in Littledata's app settings.

Possible values: noneshopifyCustomerIdemailmd5EmailHash, customerMetafield Default: shopifyCustomerId

Global settings

Found under the Settings cog and Data Pipeline.


Debug mode adds extra console logs to track how the script is performing.

Default: OFF

Respect user tracking consent

Our tracking script can automatically integrate with Shopify's Customer Privacy API. When this is ON, the script will wait for customer's to opt in to performance cookies before initialising the third-party tracking scripts or sending any pageviews and events.

Default: ON

Product clicks

By default our tracking code briefly interrupts a click on a product in a product list, in order to send the tracking event before the page reloads. If this is interfering with other apps or scripts you can switch OFF to disable tracking.

Default: ON

Product page clicks

By default we track clicks on product images and social share buttons on the product details page. If this doesn't work with your theme you can opt out by setting to OFF.

Default: ON

Hide branding

Our app generates a branded message in the site console log. You can disable this by switching  ON.

Default: OFF

Product lists on any page

By default we only track product lists on collection and search pages. You can product list views and clicks on any page (e.g. 'recently viewed' list on the product details page) by setting  ON.

Default: OFF

Product list links have images

We assume that a product list will consist of a list of links to product images OR a list of links with images in a sibling HTML element (i.e. both the <a> and <img> tag share the same parent element). If you need to track only links where the <img> tag is a child of the <a> tag set to ON.

Default: OFF

Product list links have prices

You can restrict the tracking of product list views and clicks to just those where the product price is also included in a link (although not necessarily the same anchor tag as the product image) by setting ON.

Default: OFF