Why is Littledata a subscription vs a one-off cost?

Updated on 2023-12-19

Littledata charges for our product on a monthly or annual subscription plan. Although you'll see the benefits of better revenue tracking and data quality immediately, this is not a one-time fix.

Here are four reasons to pay for Littledata's subscription versus a one-time implementation of Google Tag Manager or similar.

1. Server-side tracking

Every customer touchpoint - including every order update - has to flow through Littledata's cloud infrastructure to enable us to attribute, enrich and de-duplicate events.

This costs us - but it benefits your data quality, allowing accuracy and attribution which could not be achieved by using standard web page tagging.

2. Staying at the cutting edge

Tracking technology - including browser and API updates from Google, Meta, Shopify etc - changes all the time, and Littledata keeps shipping updates weekly to make sure we deliver on our core promise of making it ridiculously easy to join customer data with marketing channels.

Behind the scenes we invest many hours running experiments for the best data quality - and roll out the most successful ones to all customers. You benefit from this ongoing investment ($3M and counting) in being cutting edge.

3. World-class support

Our support team gets 5 star reviews every week for responsiveness and helpfulness.

With Littledata Plus plans we offer support SLAs so you can rest assured that any incident or query will be dealt with before it impacts your business performance.

4. No maintenance

Comparing Littledata with a server-side Google Tag Manager (sGTM) implementation?

What you should know is Littledata is a fully maintained data pipeline - you'll never have to worry about the server costs, make updates to the tags or spend time debugging and fixing. That's all inclusive in Littledata's subscription.