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Connections and integrations
Shopify to Google Analytics
Shopify to Google Analytics
Overview: Shopify to Google Analytics connection
How it works: Shopify to Google Analytics 4
Shopify to Google Analytics installation guide
Additional Details on Orders
Google Analytics 4 Session Enrichment
Optimize Google Ads Acquisition Campaigns Around 1st Time Buyers
Source/Medium customization: how to find payment gateway
Tracking Shopify payment gateways in Google Analytics
FAQ: Shopify to Google Analytics
Tracking Shopify checkout steps in Google Analytics
How to fix duplicate tracking in GA4
Tracking product list views and clicks
How to create and use the custom dimension for Affiliation in GA4
Using first-party data in GA4 for better attribution
Getting Started: Headless Shopify to Google Analytics connection
Create a Measurement Protocol API secret in GA4
Using Google Consent Mode v2 with Shopify
Create a Data Stream in GA4
How to uninstall the Littledata - Revenue Tracking app
Google Tag Manager FAQ