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How to test the tracking works

To make sure your tracking works as intended and the app is installed correctly, here is a quick way to check it.

After you installed the Littledata - Google Analytics app, you have the option to send a test order to see if the setup works properly.

How to send a test order

To send a test order, go to your Shopify store admin panel and open up the Littledata - Google Analytics app.

Once you're in the app, click the send a test order button on the right side of the screen. This order is an empty order that contains only dummy data.

click test order

How to check for Littledata Events in Google Analytics 4

Open Google Analytics 4 and verify if the test order was sent to your account in the Real Time Overview reports. In the Key Events column, look for the test order number that you have just sent. Please note that there might be a slight delay of ~1 minute until the test order reaches your account.

For a more in-depth visualisation, open the Events column. If you click on a particular event, you will be able to visualise parameters such as value, timestamp, or currency. This will work for any event.

Clicking on the purchase event will open up the details section. Look for the sent_from property and verify that its value is Littledata server

The sent_from paramater is available for all Littledata events; this allows you to validate that the events were sent by the Littledata - Google Analytics app.