Overview: Recharge connection

Updated on 2024-04-10

Recharge to GA

In addition to Littledata's core connections for Shopify to Google Analytics and Shopify to Segment, we offer several connections and integrations to complete your tracking setup.

Littledata’s Recharge connection is an advanced tracking solution for Shopify stores using Recharge to power their subscription ecommerce. Once activated, it unifies events from Shopify and Recharge into one customer journey.

Connection benefits

  • Accurate sales data, including first-time orders, recurring payments and subscription lifecycle events
  • Accurate marketing attribution for first-time orders, recurring payments and subscription lifecycle events
  • Custom dimensions for calculating LTV and more
  • Minimal, super-fast script and data layer
  • Fully compatible with Online Store 2.0 and one-page checkout
  • Works with headless Shopify setups

The Recharge connection is compatible with Littledata's Google Analytics and Segment destinations. If you're using Segment, please send events from Recharge to Segment using this connection first, then from Segment to Google Analytics.

Connection details

  1. Attribute recurring orders and LTV back to campaigns
    The Recharge connection works in tandem with Littledata's connections for Shopify to Google Analytics and Shopify to Segment. We use a combination of server-side and client-side tracking for complete data, and ensure recurring orders and customer lifetime value (LTV) can be attributed to marketing campaigns.

  2. Works with any checkout
    Checkout steps and completion rates will be tracked consistently whether you use Recharge or Shopify checkout.

  3. Track subscriptions in Facebook Ads
    Littledata can push recurring orders and subscription events into Facebook Conversions API, allowing you to build audiences from your highest value customers.

  4. Custom dimensions
    Littledata adds custom dimensions (also called user properties in GA4) for building cohorts and reporting in Google Analytics and connected data tools. These include:

    • Shopify Customer ID
    • Last Transaction Date
    • Purchase Count
    • Lifetime Revenue
    • App Name
  5. Subscription lifecycle tracking
    Littledata sends subscription lifecycle events to Segment or Google Analytics, tied back to the customer's original web session. These events include:

    • Subscription created
    • Subscription updated
    • Customer updated Lifecycle data can help you understand growth rates and analyze subscriber behavior in more detail.

Learn more

You can install the Recharge connection directly in the Littledata app, or from your Recharge admin.