Where to find your Google Ads Conversions ID

Updated on 2024-04-12

Finding the conversions settings

To find you Google Ads conversions ID, you will need to log into your Google Ads account and open the Tools and Settings menu, on the top right of the screen.

tools and settings menu

There you'll need to find the Conversions menu, under Measurement.

conversions menu

Creating a new conversion

You can either select an existing conversion that you want to track with Littledata, or you can create a new one.

selecting a conversion

Clicking on the conversion name will open the settings and you want to scroll down to Tag Setup. After you click open that section, three options will appear for tag setup. The easiest way is to click on "Use Google Tag Manager".

get conversion ID

The only thing that is left now is to copy those values and paste them into Littledata.

Please note that for the Conversion ID, you will need to add "AW-" to the start of the Conversion ID.