Littledata's Shopify source for Segment makes it easy to track events on your site and send this data to Segment. But how do you connect that data to Google Analytics as a Segment destination? And how do you send events to Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?
There are two ways to send data to Google Analytics:
Littledata's Shopify to GA4 connection is a complete tracking solution for GA4, and works alongside our Segment connection. You can add the GA4 connection directly from your Littledata dashboard.
Our Google Analytics (GA4) tracking for Shopify works automatically with server-side tracking to capture every order and a unique tracking method to stitch sessions together. This improves traffic reporting, channel reporting and marketing attribution, with the added benefit of custom dimensions for tracking customer lifetime value (LTV), purchase count, Shopify User ID, and more. Read more about what you can track with Littledata for GA4.
Connecting to Google Analytics directly from Littledata is a paid add-on for Segment customers.
Some merchants will prefer to send data from Segment to Google Analytics. Setting up Google Analytics 4 as a destination in your Segment workspace requires an extra few steps.
library, and collect the pageviews (which cannot be send server-side)After you add Google Analytics 4 cloud destination to your workspace, including the Measurement ID and the API secret key to the destination's setting, you will have to map each Segment event to a corresponding GA4 event. Here is a quick guide on how to do that.
Step 1
In the Mappings tab of your GA4 destination, press the "+ New Mapping" button.
Step 2
Segment already offers a number of preset events which you can use. You just have to select a predefined event and hit Save. You will have to map individually each one of the server-side events Littledata tracks.
You can map the client-side events that Littledata tracks by following the steps outlined below.
Here is an example of the mapping for the Purchase event:
"anonymousId": "7d2f31cf-12cd-4fe7-8b61-796b082f792d",
"context": {
"externalIds": [
"collection": "users",
"encoding": "none",
"id": "5451621433524",
"type": "shopify_customer_id"
"integration": {
"name": "shopify_littledata",
"version": "9.1"
"ip": "",
"library": {
"name": "analytics-node",
"version": "6.2.0"
"page": {
"url": ""
"traits": {
"address": {
"city": "Bucharest",
"country": "Romania",
"postalCode": "030333",
"state": "București"
"email": "",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"userConsent": {
"analytics": "no",
"marketing": "no",
"preferences": "no",
"sale_of_data": ""
"event": "Order Completed",
"id": 5190210224308,
"integrations": {
"Google Analytics": {
"clientId": "635000679.1691589098",
"sessionId": "1691589165"
"messageId": "node-e9241c5a0bfe61b173cae1fa1f13e1ff-b97ef265-0df8-42f3-9825-79ca1420b6b1",
"originalTimestamp": "2023-08-09T13:55:11.696Z",
"properties": {
"action_source": "system_generated",
"affiliation": "Shopify",
"app_id": 580111,
"cart_id": "ed496915e493c6f840aa326d3ebc546d",
"category": "Shopify (Littledata)",
"checkout_id": 30049366999220,
"currency": "GBP",
"email": "",
"fbp": "fb.1.1691589233972.1542748812",
"lifetime_revenue_littledata": "0.00",
"order_id": "#1332",
"presentment_amount": "1248.99",
"presentment_currency": "GBP",
"products": [
"brand": "george-littledata",
"category": "Metallica",
"compare_at_price": "1346.00",
"image_url": "",
"name": "Tricou cu Metallica",
"presentment_amount": "1234.00",
"presentment_currency": "GBP",
"price": 1234,
"product_id": "7306213753012",
"quantity": 1,
"shopify_product_id": "7306213753012",
"shopify_variant_id": "42003742982324",
"sku": "",
"url": "",
"variant": "Default Title"
"purchase_count_littledata": 0,
"sent_from": "Littledata app",
"shipping": 14.99,
"shopify_customer_id_littledata": 5451621433524,
"source_name": "web",
"subtotal": 1234,
"tax": 0,
"total": 1248.99
"receivedAt": "2023-08-09T13:55:11.967Z",
"receivedDate": "2023-08-09T13:55:11.144Z",
"sentAt": "2023-08-09T13:55:11.698Z",
"shopID": "qZMKeB4Y6HRRgKkxs",
"timestamp": "2023-08-09T13:55:11.965Z",
"transaction": true,
"type": "track",
"userId": "5451621433524",
"writeKey": "SbjsudVDtq96preF33MZ6UzxSttXrtRZ"
Step 3
After you have mapped all your server-side events, you have to make sure that they are enabled. By default, after you finish mapping, they will be set to Disabled.