Connect Segment to Facebook Conversions API

Updated on 2021-12-29

In addition to our direct Shopify to Facebook Conversions API connection, Littledata's Shopify source supports the Facebook-specific identifiers needed for the cloud-mode Facebook Conversions API destination in Segment.

You need to have both the frontend Facebook Pixel code and the server-side tracking (CAPI) set up on your website. To make this all work via Segment, here are the extra setup steps you will need to get Facebook Ads tracking working end-to-end.

Add Facebook Pixel to all the landing pages

This is needed to track the page views and set the Facebook cookies. Pixel is added automatically via Segment's tracker when you set up Segment's Facebook Pixel destination. Alternatively, you can add the Facebook Pixel tracking code yourself in the Shopify theme files.

Enable User matching

For the Match Rate between frontend and server-side tracking to be high, you need to pass the same External ID from the browser and the server. It can be userId or, if it is not set, alternatively anonymousId. Here are the steps to accomplish that in Segment's Facebook Pixel destination.

  1. Go to the Facebook Pixel connection settings
    segment fb pixel settings
  2. Turn on "Enable Advanced Matching"
  3. Turn on "Use User ID or Anonymous ID as External ID"

Match Product Categories to Facebook Content Types

Segment tries to match the content type of events based on product_group, but Shopify’s Facebook sales channel sets the product’s content type as product, resulting in a product catalog that can't be matched to events. To solve this you need to manually map product categories to the product content type.

  1. Go to the Facebook CAPI destination settingssegment fb capi settings
  2. Click on Map Categories to FB Content Types
    map product category
  3. Add all product types from the store to map to productNote: Any uncategorized products will be included in category all so please add that mapping as well.

Map Segment price to the Facebook 'value' field

Events sent via Littledata to Segment include multiple value properties, so you need to select properties.price to map to Facebook’s value property.

    1. Go to the Facebook CAPI connection settings in Segment
      segment settings
    2. Click Value Field Identifier settingsvalue field identifier
    3. Select properties.price and click Save


Littledata's Segment integration offers support the following Facebook Pixel / CAPI events:

  • View content
  • Add to cart
  • Initiate checkout
  • Add payment info
  • Purchase

Other events sent by Littledata may appear as not supported or not delivered in the Segment dashboard.